Unite as youth leaders to change the system

Name: Honourable Spheh Bhengu

Province: KwaZulu-Natal

Facebook: Honourable Spheh Bhengu

Why did you decide to be part of the ACTIVATE! Network?

I decided to join the ACTIVATE! Network because I saw it as an opportunity for me to learn about building and running a social development organisation. I was also eager to learn more ways of introducing change to my community.

What did you enjoy the most about training?

Firstly, during the training sessions I realised that I am not the only person that has faced worst life experiences – that was a comforting realisation. Also, understanding that in order to change South Africa for the better, I have to start making small changes in my community was a big lesson.

How has training helped you or changed your perspective?

After the training I was able to clearly identify my strengths and weaknesses, which changed the way I view things, especially current affairs.

What do you think the role of the youth is in developing the country?

I believe that the positive transformation of South Africa, especially for previously disadvantaged people, is our responsibility as the youth.  If we can unite as youth leaders, we can find ways to change the current system and make it more inclusive of black people. Our role is to hold the government and other stakeholders accountable for the betterment of our communities. .

What is your field of interest?

I am interested in politics because I believe that in order to be a good leader, I should be updated on current affairs. Music is my second interest because I see it as perfect tool to bring young people together and it heals souls. My third area of interest is education because it is the only key to success.

How would you like to drive change in your community?

I would like to drive change in my community by firstly ensuring that young children and senior citizens are taken care of. Then I would like to empower the youth with skills and knowledge to initiate strategies for the benefit of the community. Lastly, I would like to bridge the gap between private and public education by ensuring quality and equal education for all.

What are your plans for this year?
I plan to get a job so that I can improve my matric results and further my studies. I can’t preach the importance of education to other people while I am uneducated. I also want to register my social development organisation and revive my music career.

How will you be involving the Network in your plans?

By working together with my fellow Activators and support them in their initiatives.

Additional information you would like us to know?

I am a recorded artist and I was once a radio presenter on Inanda FM.

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