To Love Like A Christian – By MrSir Mpho
To Love Like A Christian
By: MrSir Mpho
Since extreme scenes seem to grab more heed,
if seen by those who seek to impeach,
your public human deeds will indeed cease your appearance,
As being the salt of the earth.
But dare call the so called saints
Up on stage to be scrutinized,
No one will be brave enough to come forward,
Because it’s easier to judge than to introspect.
That is why it’s rare to find someone who volunteers to stand on a court stand,
Even if the case isn’t about them.
We love to judge others just as
Much as we hate to be assessed.
We are very fast to inspect other’s wrong acts, and slow to reflect back on our own sinful performances.
’cause to be honest, judging is an emotional reply, but empathy takes an application of the mind.
Which we know very well that not everyone is capable of,
I mean, when last did you let things slide?
I’ll be solely damned if I don’t use my resources to save souls.
Since it’s now a known fact that death is inevitable, but can be postponed.
That is why we have doctors – they give the flesh more of an extra time for your soul to connect with God.
As for teachers and pastors, they aren’t really mediums –
They are not your transportation to Heaven –
But sources of information, a map of some sort.
A lot of us claim to be Christians without understanding what it really means to be one.
A lot of us mistake being religious with being spiritual.
Jesus did not belong just as much as He did not discriminate.
But look at us – looking at each other
Funny when we don’t show similar traits.
We have just as much as we lack.
We accumulate based on what’s already in our plates.
A prerequisite for deficit is abundance.
The irony of life is that nothing is ever enough,
Until you understand fate.
It really takes accepting Jesus as your Saviour
To really experience contentment.
All other worldly acquisitions are just pastimes out of spiritual boredom
From not fully comprehending the purpose of our placement.
’cause my revelation in life is that Hell and Heaven
Are our feelings, and if your heart is filled with hatred,
You are already tormented.
So, loving each other as Jesus taught us to –
The ability to love both our enemies and acquaintances the same way –
Is exactly what it means,
To Love Like A Christian!
Rationale: It’s a herd of elephants that we have many religions on earth. On top of that, in each religion, like Christianity, we have different churches. As a Christian, myself, I feel like people don’t understand the values of a true Christian that Jesus was trying to teach us. I wrote a poem based on my revelation about what it means to actually be a Christian – as opposed to what Christians and those who observe us think. The poem is: “To Love Like. A Christian.”
About the author:
Mpho (MrSir) Matlhabegoane is one of the A! Writers Hub writers. He uses writing as a tool for Mental Health Advocacy. He became an Activator in 2019. He was trained and mentored by SWITCH and NMM.
He is a Founder and Management Director of MSPT (Pty) Ltd – which focuses on simplifying mathematics for FET Learners and on book distribution in South Africa. He worked as an All Rounder at Brain Waves Development Org. – which focuses on STEMI Projects and competition. He has been a Marketing Manager at Uhunu Career G&L Org., which focuses on simplifying career paths for FET Learners, and used to work at Mpumalanga Technical College as a Mathematics facilitator.
He worked with several schools around South Africa on SGB Posts and Education Assistant Posts as a Mathematics facilitator as well as Extra Class Teacher through his Programme (MSPT) – such as Langlaagte Tegniese Hoerskool (Gauteng), Michael Modisakeng Secondary School (North West) and Seruane High School (Mpumalanga). He used to work as one of the Mathematics Tutors for SSIP Programme in Gauteng. He is a published author of four books, namely: The Story Of MrSir, Views and Emotions, Expanding The World Of Nerds, and featured in Poetry Lockdown, as of 2023.