The New African Struggle: Through the Lens of Biko
Most people consider the Republic of South Africa to be a ‘democracy’. Millions of rural and sub-urban South Africa, it is something relative. A composition of ambitious chancers parading as semi-gods.
To truly understand the dilemma, we need to return to the time prior the ‘democratic-dispensation’ when the apartheid government had accepted that the UN would never allow ‘the Union’ to return to the separate states that the British Empire conquered to form the Union of South Africa, and begun a single Republic based on Constitutional Democracy.
Mindful of our past, one thing remains certain and that is, South Africa is still a hurting nation. South Africans have reconciled without contrition, thus the ghosts of the past are haunting the nation. In essence, we have not made peace with our past and therefore, our past continues to tear our present apart.
On the one hand, we may debate on the ‘better government’ forever; we can argue and wrangle like we’re known for; we can even attempt to compare our past with the present. The truth is, based on our collective material conditions, South Africa has improved.
On the other hand, we’ll never reach a common consensus on whether the apartheid government of the National Party offered a much better SA than the ‘openely-corrupt’ government of the ANC. For precision, a large majority amongst ourselves will take sides just like many would rebuke the comparison on justifying a devil for another.
On the contrary, however, the reality is that most people are unhappy. There’s a constant silent voice reminder that’s embedded in the conscious of Africans that says ‘this is not what our forebears (Eskia Mphahlele, Steve Biko, Robert Sobukwe and many more) have died for. The silent voice continuously whispers into our conscience whenever Africans need to make impactful decisions.
As a result, voting expressions have changed in the country, especially in the big metros. People moved from their ‘self-proclaimed’ liberation movement to the ‘ancient-diluted slave-master’.
Future Challenges: Building Worthy African Institutions
Eskia Mphahlele once said: “I am an irrepressible teacher, and I’ll teach anywhere I am invited to. So long as I will not be subjected to play the role of a token n*gger.” Following this, Steve Biko wrote: “the greatest weapon in the hands of the oppressor, is the mouth of the oppressed.”
Now, doing forecasts from our beloved South Africa, we need to ask ourselves the difficult questions.
Since we’ve learnt about the establishment of the British Crown and its’ world controlling power through economies, turning people into economic slaves, the illegality of the Union of SA in 1910 and possibly every successive government in the country since, including the present, all token niggers of the British Crown, what are we doing to secure a better future for our successors?
Mindful of how the Crown wishes to control the whole wold by the installation of their New World Order and how they are using Communism as their levelling tool of societies and Agenda 21 to install regulations. How the global system is the watchdog of the Crown and that the Crown is the financial arm of the Vatican!?
South Africa, we need to engage in serious conversations!
Given the material conditioning in our public spaces, how do we ensure that we do not become victims to the tyranny of the text in the context of Eskia Mphahlele? How do we solve the tribalist, linguistic superiority complexes of majority languages in a society that is deeply defined by difference? How do Xhosa-speaking people find expression in a dominant Sotho speaking region? Is South Africa (Azania) ready for economic revolution? What and how is the process for achieving economic liberation? Why and how can the oppressor tell the oppressed the correct way to protest oppression? How do we re-engineer society to be colour-blind in a world where blackness is continuously degraded and whiteness is standardised as the current currency towards human civilisation? How do we find balance when blacks are still absorbed by white supremacy?
Through Biko’s lens, is there logic with South Africa being led by an Indian youth in institutions of governance?
Through Biko’s lens, are we content with our governing institutions being erected, owned, managed and led by the oppressors?
Through Mphahlele’s lens, why is South Africa continuously denying its’ children to be mentally emancipated? How long will Africans continue playing roles of token niggers? When will enough be enough?
A distant friend of mine, Ms. Jesse Mangena once said: “So long as you are worried about what others think of you, you are owned by them. Only when you require no approval from outside yourself, can you own yourself. Be your own liberator.” Ultimately, amidst popular beliefs that cross-cultural identities are the new norms, the truth is, today more than any other time in history, diversity is the reality that informs human life.