The importance of understanding available basic municipal services
Understanding basic services or the lack thereof could be identified as contributing factors behind the escalating widespread of service delivery protests across the country . These protests are fuelled by anxieties linked to lack of access to basic, mandated municipal services. This is primarily experienced within rural and disadvantaged urban areas.
Housing, access to basic energy and sanitation seem to be the epicentre of this unrest.
This week’s episode focuses on access to basic services .Young activator, Anzani Tshifheya investigates what the basic services are and how communities can access them.
“What I found in my community is that people are not fully aware of what basic services are and the rights that they have as a community on ensuring that they have access to these services,” says youth Activator, Anzani Tshifheya. “A lot of our people do not understand that access to basic services transcends beyond them having their rubbish bins collected every week”.
In support of an initiative to empower the millennial generation driven by SABC education and the IEC, ACTIVATE! Change Drivers has availed its youth leaders from various provinces to drive authentic narratives on the current state of municipal services through eyes and experiences of the youth.
“This generation of going leaders is looking for solutions based on the realities they are experiencing today. Finding new ways of addressing old challenges,” says Nelisa Ngqulana, Communications Manager at ACTIVATE!
ACTIVATE! Change Drivers is a national network of 2000 young South Africa, connected through their visions of building a better South Africa. “Being part of a significant programme such as Walala Wasala gives Activators an opportunity to drive a positive conversation between youth and available local government resources and structures”.
says Nelisa Ngqulana, Communication Manager at ACTIVATE!
the looming local government elections and concern of low youth voter registration, the programme is aimed at encouraging youth to take a more active stand in the governance of their communities.
Episodes of Walala Wasala will be airing every Thursday on SABC 1 at 21:00