Free State Amplifiers activate their home province.
By Tlotliso May
Activate Change Drivers is undoubtedly a network of young and very militant young people whose sole purpose within their communities is to enforce change and inspire others to take action in the same direction. This year, marks the year where the network has decided to bring their training closer to the communities that house activists that need the network the most through its amplifiers and ACTIVATORS. At its inception, this past year, ACTIVATE CHANGE DRIVERS ACD In-Community training sparked a countrywide interest as it marked an entirely different trajectory altogether, for network and its operating method.
ACTIVATE Change Drivers has throughout its existence sought to empower communities that would otherwise remain impoverished and without any alleviation from the socio-economic problems they face. Once a person graduates from the network they are encouraged to start their own initiatives and they are offered support by the network. The purpose and intention of the in-community training are to make sure that the training is brought closer to the people who need it the most through partnering with youth hubs from around the country to be able to deliver the training through the use of amplifiers, who are activators associated with the said hubs.
Initially, the network mainly used three points of training, two of each were delivered on the coastal parts while the remaining one was held inland. This, essentially means that there were three cohorts of two modules each on an annual basis. This time, however, the network has a training opportunity in every province, rounding up to nine pieces of training delivered through the youth hubs.
The participants, who took part in the four days of training, expressed their gratitude for the opportunity they have been presented with to be able to join the network. The young people who were present in this first cohort of the Free State ACD were selected amongst a various number of applicants after their capacities and capabilities had been tested through rigorous selection processes. The sessions were held in Botshabelo and the selected participants ranged from young people who have been identified from the Mangaung region. The participants, during training, showed a lot of interest in the change agency space and many testified that they have been interested in the network for a while they also explained that they were involved in other projects, and will therefore use the information and network human resource to empower themselves in making their own projects successes.
Led by amplifiers, Tshediso Molale and Tlotliso May at the Sechaba Mahobe Public Library, the four days long training took a serious effect on the participants and retained them as they are bound to also come back later in the year for module two. The training ended in high spirits and the participants are said to be looking forward to module two.
“I am glad that I was a part of this training and I am thankful for the network because coming here, I have learned a lot more about activism than I knew before,” said one of the participants, reflecting back at one of the sessions that they had during the training. This review is one of the many that the participants had to say regarding the way they have been equipped with skills and connected with other like-minded individuals within the Mangaung region. At the conclusion of the training, the Free State group connected with the Limpopo group via a conference call, joined by our CEO, Siphelelwe Chirwa. The participants were delighted, having seen the leader of this network they are now a part of.
About the author:
Tlotliso Innocent May is the founder of Changed Men, Change Men foundation, a Free State-born 2017 Activator who is passionate about people and the alleviation of people from the dire conditions they find themselves in.