Tackling one social ill at a time

Name:  Xabisa Euberta Roqo

Province: Eastern Cape

Xabisa Roqo describes herself as outspoken, persuasive, respectful and purpose driven. She is observant and helpful with a bubbly personality.

What are you championing in your community?

I am championing inactivity and I have a team of senior citizens who are also involved in the Golden Games conducted by the department of Social Development and the Department of Sports, Arts & Culture.

How are you driving change in your community?

I’m driving change in my community by conducting dialogues where I have young people coming together and tackling one social ill at a time with the help of our councillor. This month we decided to grow a garden in an open space to tackle poverty.

How has ACTIVATE! and the network supported you in driving change?

Using all the information I’ve obtained from ACTIVATE! and used it to my advantage. At first when I conducted dialogues I didn’t go about them the right way but now I do.

The Bus Journey

Why have you decided to be part of the Bus Journey?

I have decided to participate in the Bus Journey because I have so many questions which I believe might be answered on this journey. I feel the need to promote the network as it has done so much for me in a very short space of time. I want to show people that we exist and that they can also be part of this great network educating us and helping us drive change

What are you hoping to take out of the Bus Journey?

I am hoping to network and get answers. I want to hear peoples stories; I want to understand the why’s; the why nots and the how’s so that I can extend my knowledge and be equipped to walk my talk.

What are you most looking forward to on the Bus Journey?

I am looking forward to engage with the legends, I want answers personally from them and not what we read in the newspapers. I want one-on-one conversations. I want to interact with them.

I want the A!Bus to attract ordinary people; I want them to ask questions, I want to answer them and I want to inspire them to drive change .

In an ideal world, who would you like to engage in conversation with on The Journey? Why?

I would like to engage in a conversation with Mrs Winnie Nomzamo Madikizela Mandela. I would speak to her because she is the first black professional social welfare worker who chose to provide service to needy. Her devotion to the struggle for equality and justice even though she suffered harrasment, imprisonment and periodic banishments, she never gave up. For me, she is one of the most contentious figures in modern South African history.

What are your plans for next year?                                                    

Next year I want to register my NGO the Sakhuluntu (building people) which will involve the loxion economy and deal with social ills by using sport.

How will you be involving the network in your plans?

I want my NGO to generate funds which will also help some Activators when they need funds.


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