SONA Expectations

South Africa’s Youth: A Call to Action
By Thatoyaone Moepetsane
As I reflect on the state of our nation, I am reminded of the pressing challenges that our youth face daily. The statistics are alarming: according to Stats SA, the unemployment rate among young people aged 15-34 years is a staggering 45.5% (Quarter 1, 2024). This is exacerbated by the fact that many young people are not in employment, education, or training (NEET), with approximately 3.3 million young people aged 15-24 years falling into this category (Stats SA, 2021).
As we approach the State of the Nation Address (SONA), I am eager to hear how our government plans to address these challenges. As a concerned citizen, I believe it is essential to prioritize the needs and aspirations of our youth. In this article, I will reflect on the key areas that require urgent attention.
Key Areas for SONA
- Education Quality: The quality of education in South Africa remains a concern, with many schools lacking the necessary resources, infrastructure, and qualified teachers. According to the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) 2019, South Africa ranked 50th out of 64 countries in mathematics and 54th out of 64 countries in science.
- Infrastructure Development: Infrastructure development is essential for economic growth, job creation, and improved service delivery. However, many municipalities in South Africa are struggling to maintain and upgrade their infrastructure, resulting in inadequate access to basic services such as water, sanitation, and electricity.
- Teenage Pregnancy: Teenage pregnancy is another critical issue that requires urgent attention. According to the Department of Basic Education, approximately 134,000 learners fell pregnant in 2020 alone. This not only compromises the educational and economic prospects of these young women but also perpetuates the cycle of poverty and inequality.
- Municipal Governance: Municipalities play a critical role in service delivery, but many are struggling to fulfill their mandates. According to the Auditor-General’s 2022 report, only 22 municipalities (out of 257) received a clean audit, while 143 municipalities received a disclaimer or adverse opinion.
- Service Delivery: Despite the progress made since 1994, many South Africans still lack access to basic services such as water, sanitation, and electricity. According to Stats SA, in 2020, approximately 13.6% of households did not have access to piped water, while 11.8% did not have access to improved sanitation facilities.
As we reflect on the challenges facing our youth, it is clear that urgent action is required. We must prioritize education, skills development, and job creation to ensure that our young people are equipped to succeed in an increasingly complex and competitive world. We must also address the social and economic challenges that perpetuate poverty and inequality, including teenage pregnancy, inadequate infrastructure, and poor service delivery. By working together, we can build a brighter future for all South Africans.
- Increase investment in education and skills development: Prioritize education and skills development to ensure that young people are equipped to succeed in the job market.
- Implement initiatives to reduce teenage pregnancy: Provide comprehensive sex education, improve access to reproductive health services, and implement initiatives to support young mothers.
- Accelerate infrastructure development: Invest in infrastructure development to improve access to basic services such as water, sanitation, and electricity.
- Strengthen municipal governance: Improve municipal governance and accountability to ensure that municipalities are able to fulfill their mandates.
5. Improve service delivery: Prioritize service delivery and ensure that all South Africans have access to basic services such as water, sanitation, and electricity.
About the author:
Thatoyaone Moepetsane – born in the year 1992, born at Tlakgameng village, North West Province, started school at Seitsang Primary, active politician, started to be involved in the politics at the high school, still involved to date, author and social entrepreneur.
