Sinazo Peter a Future Shaper

Flim-maker, activist and community development worker

“I had a difficult upbringing owing to my family background and circumstances that forced me to be an adult at a young age. I had to sacrifce my youth to respond to the needs of my family. Having lost my parents at a young age, I had to look after myself.”

“Through hard work and determination, I completed highschool and went on to study filmmaking at Big Fish School of Digital Filmmaking. In March 2017, I represented young women in community development in Zimbabwe, USA and Italy, where I shared my experiences as a young leader and activist in South Africa.”

“My community development initiative Best Dads Movement, sets out to address the challenge of absent fathers and irresponsible men in society. We groom young boys to be better men. We’ve created a platform for these young men to have dialogues with each other and share their challenges to help each other grow.”

“One day I would like to have a childrens home where kids are exposed to experiential learning after school, according to their interests. I want to transform lives and contribute to raising responsible individuals in South Africa and the world.”

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