Self-developed leaders are the future

Name: Glenda Nukeri

Province:  Gauteng

Facebook:  Glenda n’wa-roby nukeri

Twitter:  Glenda n’waRoby

Instagram: N/A

Glenda is a humble and extremely motivated young leader who is always constantly developing her skills, she is confident in her ability to come up with interesting ideas and loves helping other people.

Why did you decide to be part of the ACTIVATE! Network?

To improve self-development, learn more about leadership and what it entails.

What did you enjoy the most about training?

When I was creating my past collage I was able to open up and talk about the challenges that I went through in life,and the importance of my values.

How has training helped you or changed your perspective?

That I should not judge people by looking at them and in the same process I also learned how to think out of the box.

Have you been inspired and been an inspiration in your community and those you interact with?

Yes, I am inspired to change the youth in my community. I have inspired a lot of young people in my community who had given up on their lives into substance abuse – now a lot of them are willing to change their doings.

What do you think the role of the youth is in developing the country?

It is very important for youth to get involved in everything that is happening in our country so as to better contribute towards change.

What is your field of interest?

Youth crime prevention.

How are you driving change in your community/How would you like to drive change in your community?

By hosting programmes such as sports against crime, crime awareness campaigns, engage with community through meetings, school talks and after-school programmes.

Now that you have completed training, how do you plan to keep active in the network?

I will post my everyday work on social media.

What are your plans for this year?

Planning to start a business that will give back to my community.

Is social media an effective way by which you can receive communication from us?

Yes, because it is easily accessible.

Additional information you would like us to know?

I thank ACTIVATE! on bringing youth activities alive.

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