Literacy is very important in human life since by being...
The Role of Technology to Develop Student’s Character
- Sectors: A! Literacy
Literacy is very important in human life since by being literate, people will be able to gain information. This
paper discusses about the changing of old literacy to a new literacy. This changing brings effects to many aspects
of life including in education. This paper shows how a new literacy which is known by ICT (information and
communication technology) can develop student’s character. This new ICT has positive and negative effects. The
counters only focus on explaining the positive effect of technology that is to build and improve the trustworthy,
respect, diligence, responsibility, and courage. Building good student’s character can create good future
leadership. Because of that student’s should be equipped with the ability of code-breaking, making- meaning,
text-using, and text-analyzing. At the end, all parties (government, teachers, parents, etc) have to collaborate to
use ICT in order to improve the quality of our education.