The role of schools is to give children the best possible opportunity to learn and be successful. Successful schools have parents
and teachers working together in an atmosphere of mutual respect. Consequently, the DBE has developed this booklet for
everyone who is a parent, in an attempt to respond to the following questions:
• How is my child doing atschool?
• How can I make sure that my child issuccessful atschool?
• How can I make sure that my child improves?
• What can I do to make sure that my child has a positive experience atschool?
• How can Isupport my child and encourage them through difficult times?
The aim of this booklet is therefore to empower parents with information to enable them to become more involved in their
children’s education so that children can reach their full potential. The African proverb, “It takes a village to raise a child” means
that the work of raising and educating a child cannot be left to the parent alone but rather needs an entire community. It is
only as the ‘village’ participates and strives together that children will receive good education.
As a result, this booklet, in addition to empowering parents on school matters, also encourages community participation, i.e.
the working together of recognised structures from the community to guide and support their school.
To reach the goal for quality education, the DBE is seeking to create learning communities. To this end this booklet is also
meant to assist parents and communities to understand the vital role they can play and join forces with schools in their
communities to make learners successful and proud of their academic achievements.