From_Poverty_to_Power_2nd_Edition This book from Oxfam explores many different ways in...
- Sectors: A! Active Citizenship
This book from Oxfam explores many different ways in which poverty is
being fought through the empowerment of the people whose deprivations
relate ultimately to their helplessness in a badly organised world. Under the
lead authorship of Duncan Green, the book discusses a number of different
types of initiative across the world that have enhanced and expanded the
powers of the powerless and through that have reduced the unfreedoms that
characterise the poverty of the deprived. In bringing about these changes, the
state obviously can – and does – have an important role to play, and yet the
state is not the only responsible agency that can make a difference, nor is it
the only instrument for tackling the general evil that society tends to tolerate
and accept. If the evil of poverty and the crime associated with it can come
through the actions and inactions of a great many persons, the remedy too
can come from the co-operative efforts of people at large.