active_citizenship_matters_ The fifth edition of the State of Local Governance...
Active Citizenship Matters
- Sectors: A! Active Citizenship
The fifth edition of the State of Local Governance publication, “Active Citizenship Matters”, is dedicated to a subject
considered a building block in the national government’s vision for the country. This publication explores how the notion
of active citizenship can serve as an analytical concept to review the nature and quality of participatory local democracy
in South Africa. It also considers it as a paradigm to inspire new models and practices that are relevant in South
Africa’s development context. Nineteen years into democracy, the evident waning trust in local government, in particular,
has reignited the debate around the role of civil society in the governance of the country. The National Development plan acknowledges this positing active citizenship as a critical cog in the wheel of development, together with strong leadership and a capable state.