Promoting Community Literacy Programmes

Literacy is a national crisis that needs attention, says Thatoyaone Moepetsane (29), an Activator from Tlakgameng in North West. He started the Tlakgameng Literacy Programme to assist young people interested in improving their literacy skills; as well as reach those who he believes also need help.

His project is aimed at learners in primary and secondary schools; and he is working in partnership with the Department of Education and the Department of Arts and Culture.

His message is this: “I realised that many young people have a weak level of comprehension when it comes to literacy. I am organising the collection of short stories and poems in all languages so that they can be published; as well as benefit those who contributed, especially learners from disadvantaged backgrounds.”

Moepetsane has himself published three books, but it has been a hard journey – and he would like young talent to learn from his experience, so that they do not struggle as much to be recognised for their creative talent.

He acknowledges the support of the community library staff in his village, as well as author Karabo Mangwakea for helping him; and also the need for proper programme information material, and funding.

“I would love other activators to collaborate with me and take this programme national because the issue of literacy is a national crisis that needs to be addressed.”

Contact him on Facebook: Thatoyaone Thato Moepetsane

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  1. Thato is very active and passionate about learning and innovation . Impressive especially considering his background. Have amazing leaderships skills. Like any other young person if his energy is not coached and directed it will go to waste.