Press Release: National Volunteer Service Day (NVSD)
The Power of the collective youth: National Volunteer Service Day (NVSD)
If you think South African Youth is apathetic about positive change and public good, you need to reframe that thought. Young leaders that are part of the ACTIVATE! Change Drivers’ Network are running a National Volunteer Day on Saturday, November 28, 2015.
The National Youth Policy Document encourages community and volunteer services. Under the Youth Responsibility section, the documents encourages “Participating in the social compact initiatives of government and civil society that promote voluntarism, African values, traditions and heritage”. However, without the implementation strategies one would see the policy as a utopic dream. These change drivers are putting that aspect into action.
A group of Activators called the Power of 40 conceived this idea upon realizing the apathy of young people when it comes to giving their time to make a difference. The aim of the project is to re-ignite the spirit of Activism for those who want to get involved in different causes but are not sure how. This capitalises on the power of the collective.
The Power of 40 believes that besides Mandela day, which is a National volunteer Day, there is no other time where people (in this instance young people) get together and do good.
Representatives from each province are conducting their activities differently, according to what they see to be a key necessity. The activities are as follows:
Northern Cape: Will be visiting the Helen Bishop Home for disabled children and have a party for them from 8am until 10 and the go back the next day to donate some toys and clean their Premises with a team of volunteers from Dept. of Correctional Services.
North West: These activators will be visiting the Emmanuel Old Age Home and Disability Center. They will be cooking, cleaning and spending time with the residents.
Limpopo: Activators will be visiting the Samritan Children Home Center to launch a reading club.
Free State: In Qwaqwa, activators will be visiting the family of the late activator, Tshidiso Motloung, and they will donate food and clean the home.
KwaZulu-Natal: These activators will be hosting a Street Closet initiative in collaboration with Streetwise. This is to get homeless people to attend and pick clothing.
Gauteng Province will be having a Lion’s Den event, where young people will be pitching their business ideas to their peers and industry leaders.
Activators in the Eastern Cape will be spending the day at the SOS Children’s home in Mthatha.
In the Western Cape, activators will be donating time, food, books, clothes and painting at 12151 Maselini Street in Wallacedine, Kraaifontein.
Young people can be part of this movement by spreading the word, donating whatever they can and helping out if they are close to this space. Change begins with an individual.
Lending a hand to those that need it is for all. You are challenged to spend your Saturday differently. Join other Activators in your provice for the National Volunteer Service Day on Saturday 28 November 2015. For more contact Themba Vryman
060 749 2699
Provincial contact people:
NC 078 246 6577 Fernando
FS 060 749 2699 Themba
NW 079 643 9799 Itu
KZN 076 752 2545 Nolz
WC 076 435 8080 Anele
Lim 082 813 9857 Pearl
GP 073 934 2955 Mabuza
MP 082 599 0887 Mthokozisi
EC 082 530 5801 Dr Nongqwala
