Wow! Imagine us South Africans joining one billion people across the globe in the world’s biggest peaceful protest! On February 14 this year, the earth with shake with the sound of feet dancing in protest against the horror of rape, a violent act that far too many of the women in our country experience on a daily basis.
And so, this is the call to action for February 14 that fellow citizens across the globe have already planned for …”Stage a rising in your community, office, social group, or school. Organize a flash mob at a landmark building/site, in the streets or in a nearby mall. Have a dance party, produce a theatrical event, march in your streets, protest, strike, dance and above all RISE!”
Today, on the planet, a billion women – one of every three women on the planet – will be raped or beaten in her lifetime. That’s ONE BILLION mothers, daughters, sisters, partners, and friends violated. V-Day REFUSES to stand by as more than a billion women experience violence.
On February 14th, 2013, we are inviting one billion women and those who love them to walk out, DANCE, RISE UP, AND DEMAND an end to this violence. One Billion Rising is a promise that we will rise up with women and men worldwide to say, “Enough! The violence ends now.”
To find out more, click here