Nkhensani Ntsanwisi Frees A Soul

The Nkhensani Ntsanwisi Foundation, under the leadership of Activator Nkhensani Ntsanwisi, joined forces with Correctional Services Department in Limpopo Province in mid-February to help ex-offender, Oscar Rabothata. This was part of a campaign centred around the rehabilitation of ex-offenders to be re-integrated into societies. 

“I decided to help Oscar because, when I first met him, I did not see a criminal in him. Instead, I saw this strong, humble spirit that wanted to better his life, his family and his community,” Ntswanisi said. “When I checked the motives of his arrest, I understood I wasn’t wrong and couldn’t blame him. I then used my ACTIVATE! network raise funds to help kickstart his journey back to a normal life.”

Rabothata was found guilty for dealing with explosives from 2011 and was sentenced to eight years in prison. He served 4 years of his sentence and was released on parole in 2015 due to good behaviour. During his incarceration, he wrote and passed his matric in prison and studied further to obtain a N3 qualification in Boilermaking.

Correctional Services Area Coordinator for Development, Shebo Maserumule, said that Correctional Service would assist all inmates who dared to dream. “To be a boy is a matter of birth, to be a man is a matter of choice. Rabothata has made the choice to be a man and he must live by example and teach the young ones that crime does not pay,” said Maserumule.

Rabothata was also very instrumental in the ‘BUT, ONE DAY’ School Campaigns in Polokwane and surrounding areas hosted by Vantshwa Va Xivono Youth Organisation and the Nkhensani Ntsanwisi Foundation. Because of his courage and willingness for a better life, Rabothata showed that it is possible to live a better life outside the prison walls.

Nkhensani Ntsanwisi Foundation presented him with a bursary for a six-month course worth R7000 from Avuxeni Computer Academy on his release from prison to give him a head start towards a better life.

“I consider myself lucky to have received the bursary to further my education,” said Rabothata. “I thank everyone who helped me to get this far, especially Nkhensani Ntsanwisi, who supported me, believed in me and encouraged me to work hard,” Rabothata said. 

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