My Personal Diary – By MrSir Mpho

My Personal Diary
By: MrSir Mpho
I perceive myself as reserved and introverted.
Talkative on platforms I feel free to converse.
I share my views a lot because I’m intensely opinionated,
But I’m a writer at heart, I express myself better with a pen.
I’m moist, mushy and affectionate when comfortable,
And my loyalty is a result of being accountable.
My ego’s coefficient is a proper fraction,
Directly proportional to the other side’s actions.
Modest when surrounded by unfamiliar energies,
But quite marketable when presented opportunities.
I think in parables, present information in examples.
Explain a lot because I exist to make things simple.
I listen with both my ears and eyes,
And use my digestive organs to detect lies.
I’m flawed, strong, weak and perfect, simultaneously.
My systems are scientific, but I serve spiritually.
Philosophical in my arguments and processing,
But very mathematical in my deliveries.
My reactions stem from my experiences and genes,
But my reasoning is flexible – logically extreme.
I made peace with the complexity of my traits.
Do not try to understand me, but what I explain.
The only way I could divulge all my skeletons and dirty laundry,
Is if you have a lock only I can open, like My Personal Diary.
Rationale: It’s a common problem for people to not understand how they are wired, who they really are and why they are the way they are. I experienced that problem a lot growing up, and I invested in understanding myself so much that I had to learn how to express my understanding through poetry. People should understand the writer, for them to understand his writings. This piece is an art form that will help readers to understand me as a poet, as they read my poems. Just as we are honest in our diaries, I had to be honest in my poems – and this poem is like a snapshot of my diary. The title is: My Personal Diary.
About the author:
Mpho (MrSir) Matlhabegoane is one of the A! Writers Hub writers. He uses writing as a tool for Mental Health Advocacy. He became an Activator in 2019. He was trained and mentored by SWITCH and NMM.
He is a Founder and Management Director of MSPT (Pty) Ltd – which focuses on simplifying mathematics for FET Learners and on book distribution in South Africa. He worked as an All Rounder at Brain Waves Development Org. – which focuses on STEMI Projects and competition. He has been a Marketing Manager at Uhunu Career G&L Org., which focuses on simplifying career paths for FET Learners, and used to work at Mpumalanga Technical College as a Mathematics facilitator.
He worked with several schools around South Africa on SGB Posts and Education Assistant Posts as a Mathematics facilitator as well as Extra Class Teacher through his Programme (MSPT) – such as Langlaagte Tegniese Hoerskool (Gauteng), Michael Modisakeng Secondary School (North West) and Seruane High School (Mpumalanga). He used to work as one of the Mathematics Tutors for SSIP Programme in Gauteng. He is a published author of four books, namely: The Story Of MrSir, Views and Emotions, Expanding The World Of Nerds, and featured in Poetry Lockdown, as of 2023.