Inspiring, Connecting and Driving Change!

12th – 15th August 2013, Alpha Conference Centre, Gauteng

Activators came in from all around the country equipped with our amazing high energy and forward thinking.  The main objectives for the two-day event were to provide a space where we could reconnect with each other and start exploring ways of driving change as a group rather than only individual projects and ideas. 

The event was a mixture of break-away sessions and opportunities to ignite, listen and organize real action; and the opportunity and privilege of listening to three inspiring change-drivers:   Sharon Rutto of Ushahidi from Kenya; Paul Mason an expert in Digital Campaigning and Community Organising in South Africa and Australia and Yemi Adamolekun, Enough is Enough from Nigeria.

All three speakers set a stimulating tone with their success stories of how YOUNG people have used the power of social media, innovation and courage to raise awareness around pertinent issues. Also how they have managed to shape those ideas into successful organisations with global appeal. And most importantly we were enthused by all three of them in showing us that youth have the power to use non-violent protest as a way to change the conversation in SA.  In typical Activate! style, discussions led into awesome activities that involved mapping ourselves physically on a massive ground map of SA so we could get bird’s eye view of where we all operation from and making clay.   It was exciting to find common connections and our united voice, allowing us to take ownership of the network and bring our experiences to the conversations. We were encouraged to ‘co-create’ and collaborate through finding links and ideas. The processes used saw ideas such as the beginning of the A! campaign and the idea of an Activate! Charter with basic principles. 

Judging by some of the feedback received, the event was definitely a success and those who couldn’t make it were sorely missed. We connected with global players, who are innovating to build democracy and accountability around the world. It was an awesome opportunity to collectively move to the next level of driving change!

Hey!  And guess what? The @ActivateZA Twitter handle was BUZZING with updates from Activators via #ActivateChange, at some point we were even trending on Twitter. How cool is that?

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