Activator Story: Lejweleputswa Exchange

First year Activators Action and Themba are organising an Exchange in the Lejweleputswa District in the Free State. The theme for the Exchange is “Crime: A destroyer of young generational legacy”. They explain further why they decided to hold an Exchange.

The Odendaalsrus (Kutloanong) community, which is part of the Lejweleputsa district, has been ravaged by criminal activities, which has not only negatively affected the lives of residents in Kutloanong but it has also created fear in the community. Crime statistics obtained from the local police station indicates that young people are either the perpetrators or the victims of crime.

We believe that some of the  contributing factors to this problem are the lack of role models and people who can motivate the youth. We believe that this is not a helpless situation. The youth, who are part of us as society and community members, can be assisted.

We intend to invite and mobilise people to participate as both mentors and advisors to assist in enforcing the change of attitude and behaviour amongst our young people.

Date: 6 September 2013
Time: 9am to 1 pm
Venue: Kutlwanong Communicaty Hall

For more details you can email Action Setakal and Themba Vryman on

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