Learning Is An Ongoing Experience

Name: Sikhonza Madasa

Province: Eastern Cape

Sikhonza Madasa from Engcobo in the Eastern Cape is a final year student at the University of Fort Hare. He describes himself as a visionary. He is a calm and disciplined person but at the same time very vocal and talkative.

What are you championing in your community?

The struggles of young people in my community and the broader South Africa

How are you driving change in your community?

I run small Imbizos for young people who are active in their communities. I conduct these Imbizos in order to educate and inform the youth about the channels we can use when challenging local government. I furthermore run an NGO called Cefane Youth Development Organisation (CYDO). I am also the Secretary of the African National Congress Youth League (ANCYL) at my branch.

How has ACTIVATE! and the network supported you in driving change?

ACTIVATE! has given me all the tools and skills I possess today which includes vital information about mechanisms we as the youth can use to bring about change.

The Bus Journey

Why have you decided to be part of the Bus Journey?

I am sure the Bus Journey will be informative and I will learn many from other people as well as them learning from me.

What are you hoping to take out of the Bus Journey?

I am hoping that as South Africans we start recognising our unsung heroes through the Bus Journey.

What are you most looking forward to on the Bus Journey?

Learning, learning and learning!

In an ideal world, who would you like to engage in conversation with on The Bus Journey and why?

I would love to engage with Dr Blade Ndzimande so that I can discuss the possibilities around free higher education and how we can go about implementing it.

What are your plans for next year?

My plans for next year is to find a job as I will be finishing school. I also hope to intensify the Imbizos I’ve been hosting and perhaps turn them into classes.

How will you be involving the network in your plans?

I will be working hand in hand with the network and Activators of the network


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