First Resource A! Station in Kamiesberg, Namaqualand
The 2017 Activator Reagam Beukes is a social agent of change from the far north Namaqua region of Kamasies. As per his words, history was made, he with Activators, local youth and stakeholders launched the first resource A! Station in that area. This celebration follows after the station’s workshop was held earlier in 2018. The station, proudly named after the community from which he comes aims to be a resource hub for young people to meet, share ideas and conjure actions steps for the purpose of moving his community forward.
The station was officially opened today with Activators: Gregory Rooi from Springbok, Northern Cape and Eastern Cape Activator and ACTIVATE! Comms team member Zilungile Zimela. To kick-start his station, he was given branding, USBs, lanyards, newspapers, pens and bags as an initial starter pack. He is living testament of what we denote when we say we are a network that is #CommittedToChange and #PayingItForward.