FATIMA HOOSAIN, 2019 Activator

By Lenina Rasool

Fatima Hoosain is a 2019 Activator, co-founder of Skills Development Programme Cape Town that empowers peoples with basic skills to earn an income, and the founder the Allergists Kitchen, an entrepreneurial venture that sells gluten-free and dairy-free food products.

My organisation focuses largely on women because…why not women? Women have been left behind throughout history and there is a need to empower ourselves.

Entrepreneurship is…about social cohesion and helping each other. There’s a misconception with entrepreneurship that one person does everything, when it’s actually one person with an idea and lots of people working together to make the idea happen.

We need more…female mentors. There seems to be a culture of women knocking each other down. There are initiatives that address this but it’s still a huge problem. We need to change the ideology that we need to compete with each other.

Activism is…a part of life. The thing that most people aren’t aware of is that in order to improve, we have to participate. It’s the little things you do that make you an activist.

Women’s Month… should be every month. We are strong, incredible human beings and we deserve to have that chance at life that we were deprived of.

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