Meet the Panelists: Clifford Demas
Speaker Name: Clifford Demas
Occupation: Speaker and Radio Presenter
Organisation: CCFM
Clifford’s Story:
Clifford Demas, also known as “Cliffie D”, from radio CCFM is a young, vibrant, energetic young man who is a co-presenter on a drive time show and anchors his own show on a Saturday afternoon. Clifford is an MC and a motivational speaker and has been in the church environment for all his life and has seen how even in these sectors, how women are undermined and not given leadership roles and aren’t being recognized. Clifford is very passionate about women empowerment and advocates for women to remember how powerful they truly are.
He is very passionate about young people and thrives on teaching and reminding women and young girls that they can accomplish anything. He is known to be very unapologetic in his opinions and views surrounding women and men and the massive inequality that takes place in homes and work environments.
Media and religion play a vital, even if sometimes indirect, role in activist movements. It is, therefore, important to have both represented in a conversation about collaborative activism. Having interviewed many activists in his line of work and also having spoken himself on issues of equity and women empowerment, Clifford brings an important perspective on media involvement and the importance of sharing stories.
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