Activator Yolokazi Mfuto’s super power is God

Name: Yolokazi Mfuto

Province: Eastern Cape

Facebook: Yolokazi Mfuto

Twitter handle: @YolokaziMfuto

Instagram: @yolo_mfuto

  •  What is the essence of being a woman to you?

It is the ability to stand strong even when the odds are all against me. Its also the love I have for myself and those around me.

  • What is your super power?

My super power is my God, the one who make all that looks impossible possible for us all.

  • What words would you use to describe yourself?

Inquisitive, perseverance and presence

  • Do you relate to Women’s Month? If yes, why is it significant to you? If no, why is it not significant to you?

I relate to women’s month a lot. If I was faced with the same circumstances that the women of 1956 were facing I would have done the same. Those leaders paved a way for women leadership, today we are where we are because of them.

  • They say behind every man is a strong woman, is this a statement you relate to?

Yes I have a father who is strong because of my mother and his mother. I have seen men getting support from women and they were strong.

  • How do you think society perceives women?

Sadly to this day mostly women are seen as objects that can be tossed around by men. Yes there are situations where by women are given respect.

  • How are you #CommittedToChange in your role as a woman?

Currently I’m involved in a number of projects. My mission is to change the narrative of development, I want people to see development as a state of mind. If people are mentally emancipated surely they will find it easier to develop themselves and create opportutinities. I also want to empower other young women so that they do not pressure themselves to be like a man in order to be great leaders, women leadership is no lesser to men leadership.

  • What do you think the role of women is in developing the country?

It is to develop themselves and those around them. Women must not wait for men to permit them, we must take initiative and support each other in developing our socities.

  • In a world that favours men, how are you fulfilling your role as a woman?

I live my life and do what I’m capable of doing. I believe that I do not have to compete with men, but to live my life to the best of my ability and lastly I strive to be the change I would love to see.

  • 10.  In your words, what would South Africa look like if it had a female president?

It would be okay. Leadership is not determined by gender, whichever gender that is the President has to be competent and the country will be fine.

  • Given what you know now, what advice would you give to your younger self?

Be as curious as you can, read a lot and ask a lot of questions. The world owes you nothing. Work hard

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