Activator to represent SA at international social entrepreneurship programme

By Lwazi Nongauza

Social Entrepreneur and philanthropist Sicelo Mbonani, has been selected to represent South Africa at an international social entrepreneurship training programme, Dive Deeper into Social Entrepreneurship, in Iasi, Romania from the 3rd until the 8th of March 2018.

Dive Deeper into Social Entrepreneurship, is a project supported by the EU Erasmus programme, and consists of a series of capacity building activities and mobility activities in various countries around the world. The aim of the programme is to encourage practical social entrepreneurial activities to combat youth unemployment. The project partners and participants hail from: Macedonia, Bulgaria, Turkey, Greece, Romania, Portugal, Peru, South Africa and Costa Rica. In South Africa, the project is coordinated by Belle & Company, a mission-based consultancy focusing on African creative and cultural industries, headed by Belisa Rodrigues.

Belle and Co. chooses its delegates very carefully for this programme; they must demonstrate purpose-driven values, entrepreneurial spirit and a high degree of engagement. Sicelo is just the right Ambassador for our organisation and country, as he embodies all of these qualities.” said Rodrigues

Sicelo is a respected strategist, concept developer, entrepreneurship advocate, radio business presenter, and switcher. His hard entrepreneurial work and selfless service to his community has been recognised by Lead SA as the August 2016 Hero of month, Iwisa No1 community Legends etc.

The Tsakane based philanthropists currently runs Township Entrepreneurs Network developing entrepreneurs in and from the township with over 500 members; The Orphan Organisation that assists 6 orphanages with different interventions from administrative to soliciting support using creative campaigns like #DressAnOrphan etc. He also runs Ekasi Group. The company designs and manages CSI projects for individuals and corporates with a business development wing for SMME.

“I decided a few years back to devote my life to the development of the township and greater community. It gives me pleasure to be recognised for such a developmental programme, I know our community will be better with such intervention,” he says.

The delighted Sicelo intends to use this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity as a springboard to contribute to the development of legal forms for Social Entrepreneurship (the topic of the workshop) whilst building a network with like-minded social entrepreneurs across the globe. His intention is to build these bridges to not only extend from South Africa but across the African continent too.

With only a month to prepare for this trip, Sicelo will need to purchase appropriate garments for the snowy weather which may incur some additional unexpected costs. As part of the culture within the A! Network, a send-off contribution will surely be appreciated to ensure he has the best trip overseas.  The programme fortunately supports a return economy flight, meals and lodging including workshop materials, but all other costs are not covered.

Activators and others wishing to contribute can contact Sicelo on 0786014111

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