Activator Story: Puppet Show

Activator Thabang Tshabalala shares his story of how the first year training has inspired him.

During module 2 we did puppet show and I just told myself on the spot that I’m going to do this with kids when I go back home and also as I’m going to USA. I saw the puppet making and puppet show as a good thing to bring kids together and to bring out the kids creativity. I believe that some of them will realize that they have talent/skills in acting or sharing a dialogue in a different ways because really after the show we saw most of the kids who were quiet most of the time talking and having fun and leading the dialogue. I’m happy that I got that chance to schedule puppet making in the camp schedule as I’m a Program Coordinator at this camp.

I’m using each and every tool I get from Activate to help me in my job here in USA. I have used the washing line tool with my team I’m working with here and it helped us a lot. Being able to bring something new at the camp has made me realize that Activate came in my life at a right time were I needed them.

I hope all Activators are using the tools they get from Activate as I’m planning to host a Life Skills camp this coming December 2012 or March 2014 during School Holidays if things goes according to the plan, where I’m going to take Boys who are doing drugs (Nyaope) to a weekend or 5 days residential camp.

To get hold of Thabang you can email him at

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