Activator Mmeza Gaborone’s super power is herself

Name: Mmeza Gaborone
Province: Northern Cape
Facebook: Mmeza G Gaborone
Twitter handle: @MmezaGabz
Instagram: @mmeza_gabz
- What is the essence of being a woman to you?
Just being a woman is God’s gift that all of us must appreciate. In everything that a woman has which separates her from men. Those truly distinct qualities which you can only find in a woman.
- What is your super power?
I am. I’m a powerful woman. I choose my words wisely. I have a confident voice and heart of gold. I think before I speak I consider both sides of an argument before picking up. I know, at the end of the day, where my faith lies.
- What words would you use to describe yourself?
The risk that I take makes my dreams reality. It only takes one (1) element and I will have to explain myself and that is consistency with all my obstacles. I want to be that person that is loyal to one vision so that all my energy grows. Faith and hope in new opportunities and ventures. I am that girl. I have a brilliant heart and a beautiful mind. I am me, a perfectly flawed, beautiful work in progress. I have dreams, goals and passion that drives me to where I want to be. Every time I look in the mirror I’ll remind myself that I’m not alone, that I’m beautiful, that my voice matters, and that I am enough. I never neglect an opportunity for my improvement. The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams, I am a woman. I am giving hands and a tender heart, open ears and a body that always beckons others in, lets them rest against the beat of my chest.
- Do you relate to Women’s Month? If yes, why is it significant to you? If no, why is it not significant to you?
Yes, because women need to be celebrated and appreciated. This question takes me back to the historic march which was a turning point in the role of women in the struggle for freedom at large. Since that eventful day, women from all walks of life became equal partners in the struggle for a non-racial and non-sexist South Africa. Being a woman is quite a difficult task. But being a Woman is even harder one. Sometimes in the flow of our routine life we can forget about who we are and what we are.
- They say behind every man is a strong woman, is this a statement you relate to?
Let me put this statement in my own way, a man is born through a woman, and he is raised by a woman, and he falls in love with a woman, and he marries a woman. So it is indeed true that behind every man there is always a strong woman. What is a man without woman?
- How do you think society perceives women?
Society shapes us in many ways, possibly more than we realise. From our interactions, to our personal development through to others’ perception of our bodies as a reflection of self-worth. We need to move and enjoy ourselves not because we have to, but because it makes us feel good.
- How are you #CommittedToChange in your role as a woman?
Sometimes it’s hard to take a stance, to make a change. Sometimes we get caught up in the day-to-day, in our to-do lists, in our obligations, in our work and commitments, in everything else that seems so important. I’m #CommittedToChange by tutoring, mentoring and giving career guidance, hosting dialogues and motivational talks to township high school learners and community members especially young woman and girls.
- What do you think the role of women is in developing the country?
Protecting the environment to bring about sustainable development, as the environment is the key source of the country’s economy. Empowering women to play an equal role in the protection and management of the environment, with their special knowledge and expertise, is also essential.
- In a world that favours men, how are you fulfilling your role as a woman?
The role of women is much different today than it was in the past. Today, women work outside the home much more (a single income household is simply too hard to support). Women also have more power than they had in the past.
- In your words, what would South Africa look like if it had a female president?
As a South African we need to still consider the question seriously, for the country to have a female president. We have a lot of women leaders in South Africa. I think it is about time to have a woman president, South Africa will be a country that protects the rights of women to make them active participants in the economic, social, political and cultural aspects of the country, thereby bringing about development.
- Given what you know now, what advice would you give to your younger self?
Success does not sleep, being a slave to my dreams, a prisoner to leave a mark that l once lived my greatest passions and denied myself nothing but honouring God by using all the talents he trusted me with to this universe. Butterflies at Work….we Fly that’s our purpose. As l grind.