Activator Launches Life Coaching Book

By Lwazi Nongauza
Free State based social change driver and self-published author Maliele Mike Michael used his book ‘Life Examinations Time’ launch to give hope to thousands of ambitious people at Parys’ Thutong Library.
The last weekend’s event ‘Life Examinations Time’ was attended by dozens of renowned publishers, literacy focus social entrepreneurs, regional Department of Education officials, civil society leaders, poets, visual artists, school kids, education and literature regional experts and other people of interest to show support.
According to Maliele the book ‘Life Examinations Time’ is intended to teach people about overcoming self-doubts by providing practical ways of bouncing back from setbacks and how to maintain a winning mentality in of mastering personal financial management. This well written book also gives guidance on how to navigate one’s social spheres for the better.
‘’I have seen many people lives which moved from rags to riches, young black and gifted lives literally moving from hero to zero. I have also gone through a number of high and low myself which propelled me to write this overall personal, social and business development ‘Life Examinations Time’. It didn’t come as a surprise to me that since it’s the book official launch, I keep on receiving tons of positive reviews from those who have read It.” said Maliele
The support from fellow activators and authors around him encouraged and congratulated Maliele for publishing his second book, showing growth and unrelenting spirit to make a mark and touch lives through his books.
Media personality and entrepreneur Sammy Nkogatse who runs a book publishing and distribution company, Samnko Books (Pty) Ltd believes in assisting emerging writers to keep intellectual ownership of their content and Sammy was happy to see this happening with Maliele.
‘’I would like to congratulate the fellow social change driver for the job well done. As author myself who knows struggles of aspiring writers, I would like to appeal to authorities in the writing and publishing sectors to make sure that talented writers like Maliele are supported not only when those in power want to glorify themselves with good speeches for they work they were supposed to have done but failed. By the way this plea is informed by what I experienced and continue seeing from other emerging writers.’’ said Nkogatse.
At its recent ( 4th and 6th of December) Writing Workshop in Johannesburg, Activate Leadership together with Bookshop Association of South Africa has also released 2018 – 2019 Book Catalogue. The “African Narratives” focus catalogue seeks to develop new ways of booksellings in SA specially Activate Network writers and those areas of previous ignored by mainstream book trade.