#ActivateSIS Launch

In 2017, ACTIVATE! participated in the SA Innovation Summit (SAIS) and as a result of our presence and impact last year, ACTIVATE! returns as an official partner to the summit, hosting Africa’s first Social Innovation Summit (SIS).

ACTIVATE! believes that social innovation is a tool that young people can use to empower and help communities. As the population of the country comprises of 60% youth, we encourage young people within the A! Network to be active solution providers to the numerous social ills that plague our communities. ACTIVATE! believes that innovation should be about the people, for the people, by the people and with the people. From the smallest acts of kindness to large income generating streams that speak to socioeconomic ills such as crime, poverty and youth unemployment (among others); young people are at the heart of real innovation. SIS highlights these young innovators by providing a platform to expose them and their ideas to spaces where they can meet and interact with potential investors.

#ActivateSIS will see 50 social innovators showcase their innovations which seek to tackle a specific social ill in their community in the categories of Health, Literacy, Active Citizenry, Youth Economic Participation and Interconnectedness and Inclusivity. These young people, along with our network of over 3500 young people and our great list of speakers are proof that the youth is in the process of building the future worthy of our longing!


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