Activate! External Evaluation 2020

Who is doing the External Evaluation?
Southern Hemisphere and Social Surveys Africa have been contracted by our funders KFW and DG Murray Trust to undertake an external evaluation of the Activate Network in 2020
Why the External Evaluation?
Usually when programs are implemented, stakeholders and funders want to understand the results of such programs. Our stakeholders want to understand the influence of the network; the impact Activators have on their communities and the power of the connections held between Activators. It will help us to make decisions about how to continue to support the Network.
What will you do?
You will be contacted by the members of the research team regarding a suitable date and time for the above mentioned data collection or to request further information on input and assistance. The research team are trained in ethical research and your identity and the information you provide will remain confidential.
When will this happen?
This will happen between 3 February until 15 May 2020.
Further Questions
If you have further questions direct them to Dena Lomofsky at Southern Hemisphere on 021 4220205 or of Cephas Mutami at Activate 0620281634 or