The challenge we are tackling …
December 16 is a big day for South Africans, as it is a celebration for the reconciliation day and the end of the year as all companies are closing for the December holiday. On this day companies are closing, people receive bonuses and are celebrating the end of the year. People make huge parties others are going to the beach to braai and have drinks. On this day lots of kids are abandoned by their parents or families, others are left alone at home with no guardian others are given money to go have fun by themselves. What we have notice in the past years we have seen kids from the age of 10 years upwards getting drunk in the streets, kids wondering in the streets with no supervision. Lots of incidents are happening this day, kinds are getting lost, kids becoming victims of abuse or rape, kids being exposed to drugs and alcohol, kids becoming victims of house fire.
1. Our idea …
The Idea that the organization has come up with is to create an event that will bring all the Kids in the area of Litha Park, Khayelitsha Section A and Section B. We invite all the kids in the age 7-15 to come together and enjoy the reconciliation day with all the other kids. The Carnival day will be a celebration event that will take place on the 16th of December 2017 as a celebration for reconciliation day for the kids. The Carnival day will be hosted in Khulani Park. This will be a day full of activities with prices to win, Christmas presents for kids and enough to eat and drink. This event will serve as the Christmas day for those kids who never receive any Christmas presents from friends or families.
2. How will our idea address this challenge …
Ukhanyo Youth development Association has taken up on the challenge to safe guard the children in the area, by creating a place where kids can have fun in activities where they interact with other kids, receive prizes from participating in activities and get to get Christmas presents to take home at the end of the day. This will be a day full of activities with prices to win, Christmas presents for kids and enough to eat and drink.