The month of November is usually known as a great month in South Africa where entrepreneurship is highly regarded especially for youth in business. The Imbizo that the sector is planning to host is to develop young people’s skills and talents in a practical manner by having celebrities mentor/coach, advise.
The Imbizo hopes to encourage, inspire and promote the importance of various art forms in rural & township communities and raise awareness of the talent or current young artists that are self-employed and use what they have to put food on the table for their families. South Africa beams with a lot of talented youth especially those based in the township and rural areas who are hardly recognized at all. Through this Imbizo we aim to change the narrative and allow young people to express themselves, sell their art and come-up with innovative working solutions that will create some impact and sustainability too.
Within the A! Network we recognize the foundation of all communities and an essential source of identity
and continuity and see how important it is to host the first Imbizo under the new COVID-19 norm. THE A!
NETWORK GOT’S TALENT Imbizo will be more of a show & tell event with a number of stakeholders from institutions such as NAC and the Department of Arts & Culture as well as a few celebrities as guests who are in the dance/acting and visual arts spaces.