The CETA, in collaboration with Wits Enterprise, is calling on all SMME’s (Small, Medium and Micro-sized Enterprises) in the Construction Sector to attend its inaugural SMME Summit.
The Summit is aimed at addressing the need for prosperity and growth of SMMEs beyond skills training and registration.
This full day summit will provide information and solutions that can be implemented to supplement SMMEs to sustainability.
There are limited exhibition opportunities for companies who would like to expose their brands to over 500 delegates attending the summit.
Date: 28 March 2018
Venue: Gallagher Estate, Hall 3
Time: (times will be sent to all registered delegates)
For bookings contact:
Melissa Moodley
011 717 4598
Attendance is Complimentary. a maximum to 2 delegates per organisation is permitted.
To register for this Summit please visit: