Roughly 60% of the population works in agriculture, but the demographic is aging rapidly: the average African farmer is between 50 and 60 years old. At the same time, the need for greater agricultural production is acute. In order to feed the projected population of 2050, global food production will need to increase by 60%. That’s about 2.5 million more tons of just grain alone – per day – than we produce right now. Africa contains over half of the world’s undeveloped arable land, great potential for increased crop productivity, and a burgeoning population of young people, with all their energy and creativity.
This Imbizo will be facilitated by Activators and will take the form of a discussion at the Capricorn
District Municipality Council chambers with a guest speaker from the legislature with 40 young
people from all 5 districts of Limpopo engaging on innovative ideas of addressing the challenges
faced by youth in the above mentioned sector through breakaway session.
The Imbizo sets out to:
Reflect on the journey of youth in South Africa from 1976 to the year 2021 and the progress
in respect to Agriculture and Arts & Culture sector.
To provide Activators and stakeholders and opportunity to come up with innovative ideas in
addressing the current challenges faced in these 2 sector in relation to youth.
To provide attendees with opportunity to engage the creative content produced for Active
Citizenry and other sector informed by research.
Provide delegates with a platform to explore opportunities for collaboration and
partnerships in an effort to address the interminable challenges affecting communities
across South Africa.
Imbizo is essentially sets out to also provide Activators and stakeholders from various sectors
with an overview of ACTIVATE!’s strategic imperatives as informed by the new Sectors.