ACTIVATE! Change Drivers launches a #RememberHer campaign in remembrance of all the womxn who lost their lives due to gender-based-violence.

09 July 2020
RE: ACTIVATE! Change Drivers launches a #RememberHer campaign in remembrance of all the womxn who lost their lives due to gender-based-violence.
The Interconnectedness and Inclusivity sector at ACTIVATE! Change Drivers launches a #RememberHer campaign in remembrance of all the womxn who lost their lives at the hands of men and considers how social culture contributes to the problem. The objective of this campaign is to make sure that people don’t forget the victims of gender-based-violence. We also hope to encourage the young women who are working in the GBV space and encourage men to have those conversations that will help to dismantle social perceptions that perpetuate this violent culture.
The Interconnectedness and Inclusivity Sector has mobilised 30 young people across the country to work as gender equality champions to educate, advocate and support victims of gender-based-violence in their communities. “The goal of this sector is to empower young people with the necessary resources to collaborate with civil society and government in achieving gender equality,” explains sector coordinator, Nkokheli Mankayi. “The idea is to have young people go into their own communities and create their own conversations, conversations that are tailored for their own communities because we understand that communities are not the same”, he adds.
Today at 12:00, the Interconnectedness and Inclusivity sector will host a webinar as part of the #RememberHer campaign (see details below). The webinar will unpack the gender-based violence National Strategic Plan (NSP) with key note speaker, Maphaseka “Steve” Letsike, Executive Director of Access Chapter 2. “The NSP is important because it attempts to draft a road map to addressing the issues of GBV in our communities while taking a multi-sectoral approach. This means that all sectors need to take an active role in implementing the National Strategic Plan”, says Mankayi.
For more information contact:
Nkokheli Mankayi
Cell: 082 427 2686
Webinar details:
Date: 09 July 2020
Time: 12:00- 15:00
ACTIVATE! is a network of young leaders equipped to drive change for the public good across South Africa. Connecting youth who have the skills, sense of self and spark to address tough challenges and initiate innovative and creative solutions that can reshape our society.
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