Research suggests a strong link between active, positive self-care and success in various aspects of our lives. In our society, the need for hope, self-belief, self-love is at an all-time high. We are cognisant of the conditions we live in, the history we’ve experienced that continues to play out in deeply entrenched systems and societal interactions, the lack of opportunities, resources and employment options. Furthermore, we are mindful of trauma that our society still sits with, that our youth has inherited from the generations before them, and that the effects of systemic architecture have unleashed on society at large. There has been no greater time, than now, for self-care to be prioritised and for us to begin to enable society, through this course, to develop self-love, recognise their value and begin to build community through shared stories of experiences and celebrations.

Grow Your Idea
- Mindset
- Course Fee: Free
This course aims to help YOU overcome some of the hurdles and mental blockages of starting something new. Whether it...