5 Minutes With Tshepang

The year 2015 promises to be a great one for dynamic and upbeat entrepreneur, author, life coach and optimistic leader, Activator Tshepang Mokgatla. Mokgatla, 28, born in Meadowlands currently resides in Braamfontein, Johannesburg.

The University of the Witwatersrand Entrepreneurship and New Venture Creation graduate launched his company, Be28 Youth Movement, in May 2014. Be28 is is driven by mental prowess among youth and is established on the belief that “if an individual does something consistently for 28 days, it becomes a habit.”

In a relatively short period of time, the company has already achieved massive success among the determined young people who’ve attended the training. This comes as no surprise considering the string of accolades behind its founder, which include the Raymond Ackerman Young Leaders Engagement Award and being chosen as one of the top 10 projects at the 2014 ACTIVATE! Showcase, to name a few. He is also an active member of Multichoice Young African Drivers and plans for the New Year include launching a branded clothing range under the Be28 umbrella.

“There is no time more perfect than now to make changes, at the beginning of the year when people are making New Year resolutions,” says Mokgatla.

Activator and freelance writer Lwazi Nyanakancesh Nongauza spoke to Be28 founder, Tshepang Mokgatla, about making life changes and entrepreneurship.

What informed the decision to come up with such a concept for a business?

Be28 Movement was born as an idea to create self-driven youth and to eradicate our country of the plague of entitlement. We need to change our posture as society from thinking and acting like the world owes us something. It started with me learning to overcome my challenges and testing out what works and what doesn’t and creating a bit of my own programmes.

Please share some of your challenges and successes as a young entrepreneur.

The biggest challenge I experienced was being resourceful as some of the things we think we need are not really necessary. Entrepreneurs work with what they have to get what they want, instead of letting looking outside for resources become a hindrance to their success. We create our own barriers to success by not looking at creating clearly defined business concepts that will define what we need to have for the company to be successful.

What’s your view on the levels of innovation and entrepreneurship in South Africa right now?

We are all powerful beyond measure, we are all masters of our own destiny, and with a clearly defined purpose and absolute faith in ourselves and our abilities, success is our only option. Like the discovery of gold, I think once we as a nation know what we are capable of, we will start having a lot more people mine this unchartered terrain. 

I believe you’re also about to publish a book this year. Please share a bit about that.

The book “Success is my only option” is a success coaching book that everyone should have in their library. It will help you gear up to take on the world no matter what you would want to achieve. You will also learn how to create a more compelling future and be able to shake off the challenges of the past. 

How different is your company from motivational speaking?

While motivation is a component of what we do at Be28, it’s not our core business. Our main service is success coaching. We help our clients structure their internal resources in order to move from where they are to where they would like to be. Motivation only looks at the aspect of “I did it and so can you,” however, it doesn’t acknowledge that we are different.



Twitter: @tshepangfwf.com

instagram: @tshepangfwf.com

Success is my only option – Tshepang Mokgatla on Facebook



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