5 Minutes With Nomtika

What is your passion?

I am an unabashed feminist who is passionate about Sexual Reproductive Health, Gender Justice and HIV/AIDS. As a qualified and efficient communicator, I exercise this ‘passion’ through educating, facilitating and making use of media platforms to creatively share the message and create awareness.

I am also a supportive and collaborative social activist, so I do a lot of work in support and in partnership with other motivated youth.

What change are you keen to drive?

Getting to zero HIV infections, zero stigma and discrimination, zero AIDS- related deaths. One that will result in a gender just and  transformed society, where women and girls can make the choices about their own bodies, have full access and full choice to issues relating to their well-being and challenge historical beliefs that have shaped our perceptions of how we define ourselves.

How are you driving change?

I am a Peer Educator (HIV/AIDS, Family Planning and SRH), I just started as a member of the Sexual Reproductive Justice Coalition, I am a full supporter of the End Abortion Stigma Initiative (EASI), I am a blogger and vlogger. I am also an ambassador for ZAZI- which is a national women empowerment campaign.

As a social communicator, I am working with fellow Activators towards starting an African story-telling media house (afro-stories.co.za), as well as a training programme for gender awareness and SRH for women and girls.  I am more than happy to share my skills with other Activators tip help their development. I am there like a bear!

How has ACTIVATE! supported you so far in driving this change?

ACTIVATE! has introduced me to a network of amazing young people. The various lenses at which these people see the world and the steps they take towards changing it has helped me broaden my way of thinking and become much more idea-to-action oriented. From the training resources to the strategic relationships and the friendships, ACTIVATE! has introduced me to my continent holistically.

What do you think is the priority in setting the agenda for our country in the next 5 years?

Broadening the currently limiting education system and introducing the “barefoot” (informal) aspect to it where young and old people can just learn their world and be. Through a broad and just education system (it does not even have to be a ‘system’), the constituents of social injustices in all aspects will start to erode.

Final Comment?

Visit my blog (nomtikamjwana.blogspot.com), stay healthy, discover and exercise your passion and hit me up if you’d like to organize a workshop/talk on Sexual Reproductive Health!



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