
What’s your passion?

Youth development and education. I am passionate about changing lives and I believe that can only be done through education. To implement what I have learned and empower my community.

What change are you keen to drive?

Teen pregnancy and parenthood. As well as stopping youth from dropping out of school and promoting a healthy lifestyle.


How are you driving change?

I am a Peer Educator at the Institution for Youth Development and Advocacy. My role is to have health talks at schools and in communities with youth about the dangers of engaging in risky behaviour such as having ‘sugar daddies,’ drinking and smoking.

With fellow Activators, Plaas Phakgabi and Kagiso Maplala we started a co-operative, Sediketheka (the light that is bright). We reach out to youth and give them motivational talks. We also offer team building, event management, facilitation and training. Currently we are facilitating a Department of Sports & Recreation camp with youth that are 15 – 25 years old, offering leadership training and highlighting the importance of social cohesion in order to build our nation.


How has ACTIVATE! supported you so far in driving this change?

My confidence has grown. Before I was only a peer educator but now I am more active in the community. Activators are from different parts of the country and we all have different apparitions and it’s beneficial and inspirational when we collaborate and grow our visions – the co-operative is a great example.


How do you motivate yourself?

Changing one person’s life keeps me going.


Final comment?

The most important thing I want to see is youth participate in their community’s development and to for there to be zero school dropouts. I want young people to learn from me so that they can educate themselves and move forward.


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