By: Anele Gcwabe

18 January 2018



Social entrepreneur, Xolani Ngobozana is taking strides to establish a strong foundation for the future leaders of South Africa by providing them with the necessary tools to empower them with education. He initiated the National Donate a School Bag Campaign which has succeeded in donating a 100 000 school bags, which are filled with full basic learning tools, to underprivileged learners across South Africa. Gauteng education spokes-person, Steve Mabona, was quoted to have said:

‘’It is really refreshing to know that there is a growing number of selfless and patriotic young people who are determined to make sure that our country’s future is heavily invested in those who will lead this country forward. I am particularly excited about this initiative (National Donate a Schoolbag Campaign) because it is a proof that free, quality education for all in not just in government official political rhetoric is a possibility. South Africa has dozens of foot soldiers who will make this happen.  I hope and wish that those with financial means can support such an initiative.’’

The National Donate a School Bag Campaign has a vision for transformation that seeks to secure the future of South Africa:

 “The Department of Education ensures that the youth receives quality education. However, there are many factors that are disrupting the system. For example, many of the learners in disadvantaged areas carry their books in plastic bags as their parents can’t afford decent schoolbags for them. As a result, their books are damaged and they easily lose their stationery, which affects their overall performance at school. Some of them end up dropping out and the cycle of poverty regenerates,” says Ngobozana.

To raise funds for the campaign, Ngobozana and his team have been hosting a series of fundraising events in all nine provinces throughout the year. One of those events includes Fun Run, School Movie Day, T-Shirts & Caps donations and sales, DAS Charity Cup, School Covering Marathon and Kids In Colour Festival which will take place on the 10th March 2018 at Rakele Park, Wattville, Ekurhuleni.

Ngobozana is not the only Activator who is a champion for transformation in education.Activators around South Africa are making significant moves in investing in the future leaders of South Africa:

  • Activator Khomotso Komape from Polokwane West at Tibane Ga-Matlala with the aid of Aganang Youth Structure will be donating back to school kits and sanitary towels to primary schools nearby. The Department of Social Development in the Maraba area is involved. For more : 079 363 4261.
  • Activator Vusumuzi Cosmos Shezi from Enkandla KZN in colloboration with Lifestyle Changes Youth Organisation will be donation stationery to Emphalwini Primary School. For more: 084 847 3144.
  • Prince Nofoto has an ongoing project and is currently collecting books and shoes for school kids. He is based in Attridgeville Pretoria. For more: 078 136 7704.
  • Activator Dave Lekqwathi is collecting school pencils and has already collected 555 for creches and 104 calculators for Grade 12 learners. More info: 081 738 0839.
  • Kwandile Skhosana runs a book club in Daveton and always gives away books to schools. More infor 081 538 7603.
  • Mzwandile Msimang is working with EKFM to collecting school uniform in the Gauteng area. More: 063 560 9091.
  • Activator Son of the soil is also running back to school projects. More : 071244 6785.

Activators are creating the path to a better South Africa, and everyone is invited!


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ACTIVATE! is a network of young leaders equipped to drive change for the public good across South Africa. Connecting youth who have the skills, sense of self and spark to address tough challenges and initiate innovative and creative solutions that can reshape our society.

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Twitter: @ActivateZA

Facebook: ACTIVATE! Change Drivers


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